Governance Structures and Corporate Governance in Production of Aguaymanto Collective
Espinoza Calderon, Gustavo A.
Bustamante Cardenas, Gloria O.
Huamani Torres, Ruth
Torres Rivera , Julia L.

How to Cite

Espinoza Calderon G.A., Bustamante Cardenas G.O., Huamani Torres R., Torres Rivera J.L., 2023, Governance Structures and Corporate Governance in Production of Aguaymanto Collective, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 102, 223-228.


The aguaymanto called goldenberry, is a fruit native to Peru, which is produced by hand. Given the international preference for this product, attention was paid to the way it is produced. In northern Peru, in the Cajamarca region, some producers formed the Provincial Association of Ecological Producers of Cajamarca (APPEC). With the constitution of this association, the development and positioning of this business has been successfully achieved. This case study aims to analyze the corporate governance and transaction governance mechanisms implemented in APPEC, in order to understand how they enabled superior design and management in the goldenberry agribusiness subsystem in Peru. The methodology used was the simple case study. The results show that the producers achieved their progress by changing the path dependency and went from working individually to working as a team in the aforementioned association. The organization model and internal structure implemented has achieved the unification and collaboration of the producers, in turn with the other actors involved in the export of goldenberry. Likewise, this model has managed to establish functions and hierarchies for the exchange of decision rights and property rights with the industry and suppliers; successfully adapting and managing to reduce uncertainty and transaction costs. With the formalization of the goldenberry production process, an improvement was introduced in the commercial scenario, increasing exports and optimizing production.
Keywords: Goldenberry, Corporate governance, Collective production, Path dependency.