Biomethane Compression Unit: a Methodological Approach Aimed at Decreasing the Atex Zones Hazardousness
Lauri, Roberto

How to Cite

Lauri R., 2023, Biomethane Compression Unit: a Methodological Approach Aimed at Decreasing the Atex Zones Hazardousness, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 104, 121-126.


The smart combination of renewable energy sources will be fundamental for developing the energy systems of the future and achieving carbon-neutrality by 2050. Biomethane, produced by biogas upgrading, is a renewable alternative to natural gas and it is able to decrease the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in multiple sectors. Indeed, this gaseous biofuel can be used in applications such as heating, transport and electric energy generation, since it has the same properties as natural gas. It can be directly injected into the existing gas network as a low-carbon alternative to natural gas. The strategic biomethane role determines a particular attention to potential hazards associated with its production. In particular, one of the main hazards is the possible formation of potentially explosive atmospheres due to accidental releases from components, such as valves, compressors, flanges, etc. The biomethane compression is the most hazardous phase of its production process, because it occurs in an indoor place (compression unit) and it is characterized by the highest pressure values. The paper is focused on biomethane compression unit and it illustrates a methodological approach aimed at decreasing the Atex zones hazardousness.