Public green spaces have gradually proved to be a key element in promoting sustainable urban development. Green spaces are both the most important natural landscape of a city and provide accessible green spaces for activities that meet the recreational needs of urban residents. If parks are convenient and accessible to residents, they can increase the probability of residents participating in outdoor physical activity, improve their physical and mental health, and alleviate their potential physical and mental fatigue. This study proposes an evaluation method for urban green space accessibility with the aim of improving residents' well-being. Taking Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), China as an example, the study analyzes the impact of transportation on urban green space accessibility. The methodologies are network analysis and kernel density analysis based on the ArcGIS software analysis platform. Research shows the walking time of urban parks is almost maintained within 14 min in Hong Kong, but the North District with higher green spaces resources have lower accessibility. In this context, this study makes recommendations for policymakers from the perspective of transportation and road system construction based on results. One of the study recommended conclusions is to reduce the number of dead-end roads in the city, develop urban slow-moving road systems such as walking and bicycling, and establish good transportation conditions to improve the accessibility of parks.