Delitsyn L., Kulumbegov R., Popel O., Kosivtsov Y., Sulman M., 2024, The Influence of Treatment of Apolar Collectors on the Performance of Carbon Extraction from Ash of Coal Power Plants, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 114, 103-108.
The influence of ultrasonic treatment of flotation reagents on the yield of carbon concentrate and its carbon content, and the duration of flotation, was studied. It has been established that the effect of ultrasound on flotation reagents leads to almost complete dispersion and a 3-fold reduction in the consumption of collectors. It is shown that with an increase in the time of ultrasonic treatment of collectors, the volume fraction of collector droplets with a size of less than 1000 nm increases. In addition to reducing collector consumption, the yield of carbon concentrate increases by 20-30 %. The carbon content in the concentrate increases to 72-78 %. The resulting carbon concentrate corresponds to high-grade hard coals in terms of calorific value and can be used as fuel in power plants using solid fuels. Carbon-free ash contains less than 4% unburned carbon and can be used in the construction industry.