Features of Producing Non-Autoclaved Aerated Concrete With Additives of Mineral and Technogenic Raw Materials
Sadenova, Marzhan A.
Kulenova, Natalya A.
Rudenko, Olga V.
Anop, Darya K.

How to Cite

Sadenova M.A., Kulenova N.A., Rudenko O.V., Anop D.K., 2024, Features of Producing Non-Autoclaved Aerated Concrete With Additives of Mineral and Technogenic Raw Materials, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 114, 217-222.


This article discusses issues related to the study of the possibility of developing a technology for the production of non-autoclaved cellular concrete. The results of testing the mechanical strength and density of non-autoclaved cellular concrete samples synthesised by varying the nature and concentration range of the introduced modifier components are presented. It has been established that modification of the original non-autoclaved cellular concrete containing ash and slag materials of the Kazakhstan TPP by adding 3 to 10 % (by weight of cement) of natural clinoptilolite from the Taizhuzgen deposit in Kazakhstan and 0.075-0.03 % (by water) of fullerenol (C60) allows stabilising the properties of the developed non-autoclaved cellular concrete. The studies are promising and will continue to obtain cellular concrete with specified characteristics suitable for the construction of earthquake-resistant residential buildings.