The Construction and Application of the Economy-Electricity-Emissions Input-Output (IO-E3) Table for Hungary
Koppány, Krisztián

How to Cite

Koppány K., 2024, The Construction and Application of the Economy-Electricity-Emissions Input-Output (IO-E3) Table for Hungary, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 114, 733-738.


This paper presents the steps and methods of producing the IO-E3 Economy-Electricity-Emissions input-output table for Hungary, which contains 28 industries, 8 sub-industries of electric power plants, and 5 final demand categories. Simulations performed with the model show that the ongoing 120 % expansion of nuclear capacity can result in a 55.2 %, 35.1 %, and 30.1 % increase in electricity production, value-added, and greenhouse gas emissions if the structure of final demand and technology are not changed. Smart use of the predicted 17.48 TWh of electricity surplus, however, must precisely aim these changes to best serve Hungary's sustainability transition through harnessing technological developments and by changing economic structures.