Investigation of System Stability and the Design of a Controller based on the Transfer Function of a Quadcopter’s BLDC Motor
Kiss, Barnabás
Ballagi, Áron
Kuczmann, Miklós

How to Cite

Kiss B., Ballagi Áron, Kuczmann M., 2024, Investigation of System Stability and the Design of a Controller based on the Transfer Function of a Quadcopter’s BLDC Motor, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 114, 751-756.


The objective of this study is the control technology of quadcopters. The aim of this article is to propose further simulation assessment opportunities and other control implementations for investigating the transfer function of a quadrotor BLDC (Brushless Direct Current Electric Motor) motor obtained from experimental results in a previously published paper by separate authors. In this article, an LQ (linear-quadratic) controller is implemented based on the transmission function, during which the response of the controller to a unit step signal is examined. It is proved that LQ control can significantly enhance the autonomy of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) compared to PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller) control, as a faster and more accurate step response is achieved during system analysis. Additionally, how the LQ controller and the PID controller respond to a randomly generated white noise is examined. The results are compared with those implemented with a PID controller presented in a separate article.