The Effect of Illumination on HSV Colour Segmentation for Ripe Tomatoes based on Machine Vision
Ambrus, Balint
Nyéki, Anikó
Teschner, Gergely
Moldvai, László

How to Cite

Ambrus B., Nyéki A., Teschner G., Moldvai L., 2024, The Effect of Illumination on HSV Colour Segmentation for Ripe Tomatoes based on Machine Vision, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 114, 829-834.


In agriculture, computer vision and image processing are essential for monitoring crops and controlling robots and actuators. In this work, the detection of ripe tomato fruit was the main aim. During the tomato-ripping process, the green tomato turns to red in several color stages (Ambrus et al., 2024). While the chlorophyll concentration decreases, the lycopene concentration increases. The sugar and the acid increase parallel to lycopene. The RGB camera can capture the process but needs to convert HSV color space to identify the tomato. The successful identification depends on the direct illumination volume. The experiment contains 4 ripe tomatoes and 15 different artificial illumination levels. The measurements show that the results are similar to or constantly above 3,000 lx illumination. However, under 3,000 lx, the detected size of tomatoes looks smaller and smaller depending on the weakness of illumination. Around 1,600 lx, it is possible to measure only half of the real size of the tomato. It shows that using the right amount of light is crucial to precise measurement in HSV color space. This research highlights the critical importance of proper illumination in ensuring accurate image analysis for tasks like industrial tomato segmentation. It emphasizes the need for adaptable lighting solutions, particularly in varying weather conditions, and the balance between adequate light and energy efficiency.