Vol 40 - Editorial
This volume #40 of Chemical Engineering Transactions publishes articles on themes related to Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control.

Since several decades it is known that odours resulting directly or indirectly from human activities may cause adverse effects on citizens, and are recently being considered as atmospheric contaminants.
Odors are, among atmospheric pollutants, the major cause of population's complaints to local authorities. Indeed, several conventional pollutants are generally not perceived by population, even if they might be harmful for human health, especially if normal exposure limit concentrations are exceeded.
On the contrary, some odours are perceived far below normal exposure limit concentrations, due to the presence of odorous compounds having extremely low odour detection threshold concentration. For these reasons, odours are nowadays subject to control and regulation in many countries.
The need to regulate odour impacts entails the requirement of specific methods for odour measurement. Regardless of the measurement technique adopted (dynamic olfactometry, chemical analysis or electronic nose), the quality of the results obtained is heavily dependent on appropriate sampling, which is one of the main issues relating to odour characterization and measurement.
This CET Volume 40, focuses on recent regulatory approaches for the evaluation of odour exposure, on sampling strategies and equipment, and on the main techniques for odour measurement and odour impact assessment (e.g., chemical analyses, dynamic olfactometry, electronic noses, dispersion modeling, etc.). Moreover, another important topic concerns the possibility of direct odour measurement in the field for direct odour exposure assessment or dispersion modeling validation purposes.
The Articles of this Volume cover 5 different subjects

— Policy and Regulation
— Sampling
— Environmental Odours and VOCs Assessment
— Odour Control and Abatement Techniques
— Other Applications of Odour Measurements
Renato Del Rosso (Guest Editors)