As Guest Editors of this Chemical Engineering Transactions Volume 54, we are very proud to introduce you the contributions of this volume, publishing scientific papers regarding the topic of Environmental Odour Monitoring and Control.
It is nowadays universally accepted that odours resulting directly or indirectly from human activities are to be considered as atmospheric pollutants, giving that they are currently subject to monitoring policies and regulations in many countries.
Since the publication of the EN 13725 on dynamic olfactometry in 2003, which represented the first attempt to standardize a method for odour emissions quantification, there have been relevant developments in the field of environmental odour assessment and control. As a matter of fact, the European Committee for Normalization, besides revising the EN 13725, is currently discussing the issue of two new Standards regarding other environmental odour assessment techniques, i.e. field inspection and electronic nose (or, more generically speaking, instrumental methods). These recent regulatory developments, as well as the spreading of research in this field, witness the growing importance of odour-related topics within the academic and scientific community, as well as in the industry and consulting.
This volume provides some recent findings regarding the following topics:
- Policy and Regulation
- VOC and Odour Sampling
- Odours and VOC Emissions Assessment
- Determination of Exposure
- Odour Control and Abatement Techniques
- Other Applications of Odour Measurements
Selena Sironi, Laura Capelli (Guest Editors)