Vol 59 - Editorial
We are proud to have edited this world-class volume 59 of Chemical Engineering Transactions that reviews the latest development and applications in various fields related to Chemical Engineering and beyond.
This volume seeks to collect together scientific and engineering research on related issues that focus on methodological aspects in each topic.
It will provide scholars a platform for comprehensive discussions concerning the transition of roles under current system.
Special care has been given to chemical engineering and technology and information technology applications in chemistry.
This volume is the outcome of an ambitious collaboration of the research works by 437 scholars.
Each paper in this volume has its highlighted relevance, significance and outcome and can be very useful to research groups who are interested in applied chemistry.
In total of ten major subjects related to Chemical Engineering are included as Chemical engineering and Machinery, Chemical/Material Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Computers and Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry / Agriculture / Food chemistry, Electric Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Energy/Environmental Chemistry, Geophysical chemistry, Heat transfer, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics and Safety and Management of Chemical Engineering.
We really appreciate the reviewers' efforts and they have played a crucial and fundamental role in constructing this volume.
Zhuo Yang, Junjie Ba, Jing Pan (Guest Editors)