Vol 101 - Reviewers

Publication Policy of Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 101

Each article of this volume has been reviewed by at least two Reviewers, frequently by three and rarely by more.
The list of the main reviewers involved in this Key-Job is reported below.
The Editors in Chief of CET, as well the Guest Editors of this volume are deeply grateful to them for their intense activity and care in preparing the reviews.
The quality of this publication is valued by: ISBN & ISSN numbers, DOI identification number; it is available in Google Scholar and Indexed by SCOPUS
Each Paper in the volume is covered by a copyright assigned to AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


Ali, Usman Pakistan
Baldino, Lucia Italy
Cirillo, Claudia Italy
Coppola, Nunzia Italy
Costa, Anna Italy
Di Palma, Luca Italy
Faccani, Lara Italy
Galdi, Alice Italy
Ghedini, Elena Italy
Kanaev, Andrei France
Lemarchand, Alex France
Liccardo, Letizia Italy
Menegazzo, Federica Italy
Pirozzi, Annachiara Italy
Simeone, Felice Italy
Sotgiu, Giovanni Italy
Vilardi, Giorgio Italy
Zorzi, Sandro Italy