Vol 104 - Reviewers

Publication Policy of Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 104

Each article of this volume has been reviewed by at least two Reviewers, frequently by three and rarely by more.
The list of the main reviewers involved in this Key-Job is reported below.
The Editors in Chief of CET, as well the Guest Editors of this volume are deeply grateful to them for their intense activity and care in preparing the reviews.
The quality of this publication is valued by: ISBN & ISSN numbers, DOI identification number; it is available in Google Scholar and Indexed by SCOPUS. Each article in the volume is covered by a copyright assigned to AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


Boot, Hans The Netherlands
Busini, Valentina Italy
Castro Rodriguez, David Javier Italy
Cavallin, Stefano Switzerland
Chanut, Clement France
Copelli, Sabrina Italy
Giannini, Leonardo Norway
Melchiore, Alessandra Italy
Pasman, Hans The Netherlands
Portarapillo, Maria Italy
Salzano, Ernesto Italy
Scotton, Martina Italy
Serrano, Jose France
Suter, Georg Switzerland
Taubert, Evgeniia Italy
Toman, Adrian Poland
Vairo, Tomaso Italy
Vianello, Chiara Italy
Vitaloni, Linda Italy