Vol 95 - Reviewers

Publication Policy of Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 95

Each article of this volume has been reviewed by at least two Reviewers, frequently by three and rarely by more.
The list of the main reviewers involved in this Key-Job is reported below.
The Editors in Chief of CET, as well the Guest Editors of this volume are deeply grateful to them for their intense activity and care in preparing the reviews.
The Editors are proud of having been assisted by such qualified team of experts, who determined the quality and the success of this journal.
All the articles are identified by a DOI number and will be evaluated for inclusion into SCOPUS and ISI citation databases.


Aleixandre Herrero, Manuel Japan
Almarcha, Manuel Spain
Barczak, RadosLaw Poland
Bax, Carmen Italy
Bokowa, Anna Canada
Cangialosi, Federico Italy
Capelli, Laura Italy
Cruz, Carlos Spain
Danesh, Ehsan United Kingdom
Dubreuil, Romain France
Esclapez Vicente, María Deseada Spain
Haerens, Kurt Belgium
Invernizzi, Marzio Italy
Izquierdo, Cyntia Spain
Kulig, Andrzej Poland
Lebrero, Raquel Spain
Mannebeck, Bettina Germany
Munoz, Raul Spain
Patino, William Czech Republic
Prudenza, Stefano Italy
Romain, Anne-Claude Belgium
Sberveglieri, Giorgio Italy
Sberveglieri, Veronica Italy
Sironi, Selena Italy
Sozzi, Roberto Italy
Sucker, Kirsten Germany
Toledo, Manuel Spain
Toth, Andras Jozsef Hungary
Van Harreveld, Anton Spain
Zarra, Tiziano Italy